Recovery for pedestrian struck by car suffering concussion and neck injury
Recovery for passenger in drive share vehicle in car accident suffering neck and back injuries requiring physical therapy
Recovery for young professional involved in a car accident in an intersection collision resulting in neck and back injury requiring physical therapy
Recovery of policy limits for passenger in vehicle that went off road and struck fence resulting in head strike, neck and back injuries requiring physical therapy and some time missed form work.
Recovery of insurance policy limits for college student who was riding as a passenger with her father driving when rear-ended entering highway suffering abrasions and soft tissue neck injuries
Policy limits from car accident resulting in whiplash
Settlement of uninsured policy limits for driver struck on highway by an uninsured motor vehicle and suffered back injury requiring physical therapy
Recovery for driver in car crash resulting in hip, neck and back injuries requiring physical therapy
Recovery for young professional riding as a passenger in vehicle involved in collision and suffering back injuries requiring physical therapy
Recovery for mother rear-ended driving and suffering headaches and back injury requiring physical therapy
Recovery for child riding as passenger in highway accident suffering minor injuries including facial abrasion and minor soft tissue injuries requiring a short period of medical treatment
Recovery for passenger rear-ended and suffering neck injury requiring physical therapy