• $33,000

    Auto collision involving ride share vehicle resulting in neck and back injuries

  • $32,000

    Pedestrian accident resulting in hand, leg and hip injuries

  • $28,000

    Recovery for child with known food allergies who consumed a burger containing egg products purchased at a local restaurant and suffered a severe allergic reaction including vomiting requiring emergency room care caused by restaurant employee serving the wrong burger despite specifically being warned about severe food allergies.

  • $25,000

    Recovery for middle age woman served shellfish dining at a Boston restaurant suffering severe allergic reaction with throat swelling and closing requiring emergency medical attention caused by restaurant employee who knew about shellfish allergy and carelessly served a dish with shellfish unknown to the patron.

  • $25,000

    Policy limits for neck and back injuries

  • $21,000

    Recovery for young professional involved in a car accident in an intersection collision resulting in neck and back injury requiring physical therapy

  • $21,000

    Recovery for pedestrian struck by car suffering concussion and neck injury

  • $21,000

    Recovery for pedestrian struck by car suffering concussion and neck injury

  • $21,000

    Recovery for passenger in drive share vehicle in car accident suffering neck and back injuries requiring physical therapy

  • $20,000

    Recovery of policy limits for passenger in vehicle that went off road and struck fence resulting in head strike, neck and back injuries requiring physical therapy and some time missed form work.

  • $20,000

    Recovery of insurance policy limits for college student who was riding as a passenger with her father driving when rear-ended entering highway suffering abrasions and soft tissue neck injuries

  • $20,000

    Policy limits from car accident resulting in whiplash